Nani App User Agreement


This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") governs the relationship between the sole proprietor Nikolai Yuryevich Nevzorov, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer", and the user of the Nani mobile application, hereinafter referred to as the "User".

By using the Nani app, the User agrees to the terms of this Agreement. If the User does not agree with the terms of the Agreement, they should discontinue the use of the app.

1. Service Description

The Nani app provides the ability to turn a mobile device into a video baby monitor, allowing parents to watch their children remotely.

2. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Developer undertakes to ensure the functionality of the app in accordance with its features.

2.2. The User agrees to use the app only for lawful purposes, without infringing the rights and freedoms of third parties.

2.3. The Developer also commits to providing necessary updates to the app to ensure its functionality on updated versions of Android and iOS operating systems, as well as for the release of new features.

3. Intellectual Property

All rights to the app, including the software code, design, texts, graphics, and other elements, belong to the Developer. Copying, distributing, or modifying the app without the written permission of the Developer is prohibited.

4. Liability

The Developer is not liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered by the User or third parties as a result of using or being unable to use the app.

5. Confidentiality

The Developer undertakes not to disclose the User's personal information obtained during the use of the app without the User's consent, except as provided by law.

6. Changes to the Agreement

The Developer reserves the right to make changes to the Agreement at any time without prior notice to the User. The new version of the Agreement becomes effective from the moment it is published in the app or on the official website of the Developer.

7. Final Provisions

7.1. This Agreement is a legally binding document between the User and the Developer and regulates the terms of use of the app.

7.2. All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the execution of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, disputes shall be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Developer's country.

8. Feedback

In case of any questions, suggestions, or need for technical support, Users can contact the Nani app support service by email: The support team is committed to providing prompt assistance and consultations on all matters related to the use of the app.